We’ve been suffering with that pesky peach fuzz for decades. Feeling like our make up doesn’t sit right or worrying about the sun illuminating it like an aura around our face. 

Should we wax it shave it off or dermaplane or just leave it? Laser doesn’t work, electrolysis takes way too long and we just want it GONE!

Here at Karma, we’ve got the answer to all your prayers. In less that 30 minutes you can be fuzz free with alkaline wash



  • Instant results

  • No recovery time

  • Less pain

  • Less risk of scarring

  • Less risk of infection

  • Safe on all areas

  • Permanent


Alkaline wash is a facial and hair removal treatment in one! It involves applying a thick paste onto the skin that elevates the skin’s pH level, allowing the active ingredient to dissolve the protein found in both the hair and skin. As a result, it effectively eliminates the hair and exfoliates the skin by removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells.

For optimal long-term hair removal, a series of treatments is advised. Often, hair may not regrow, or if it does, it tends to be finer and grows at a slower pace. However, individual results can vary due to each person’s unique physiology. 


  • Alkaline wash works by increasing the pH level of the skin to a highly alkaline state, typically around a pH of 12. This shift in pH causes the hair and part of the underlying follicle to dissolve, effectively removing the hair and leaving the skin smooth.

  • The number of treatments varies depending on the individual’s hair growth rate and the area being treated. Typically, multiple sessions are required, and as treatments progress, hair regrowth may slow down, potentially leading to permanent hair reduction.

  • Some redness and warmth in the treated area are normal and should subside shortly after the treatment. There is usually no significant downtime, and any mild sensitivity should resolve within 12-24 hours

  • Alkaline Wash is generally considered pain-free, making it a comfortable option for hair removal and skin resurfacing.

  • Shave – only shave the hair in the time running up to the session but stop shaving at least 3-5 days before for maximum defuzzing.

    Remove your make up – clean skin is vital for a good treatment.

    Consult – be honest with your therapist and disclose all health conditions during the consultation and if you experience any reactions or changes to your health during the treatment.

  • Use Retinoids – steer clear of retinoids or any exfoliation products for a week before the treatment.

    Clog your pores – remove all makeup, creams that could clog pores before treatment.

    Wax or thread – refrain from waxing, plucking, threading before treatment.

  • Schedule your consultation with us, and we’ll confirm your eligibility for the treatment.

    During the consultation, we’ll review your medical history and discuss important aspects such as aftercare and potential risks. After we establish a treatment plan and conduct a sensitivity test patch, we’ll arrange your initial session.

    We will mix and apply the thick hair removal paste that uses the active ingredient Thioglycolate. Apologies, it does smell a bit funky but it's worth it for the magic!

    We leave this on for a little bit and keep spraying the area with a soothing spritz. When ready we remove the paste and cool down the skin with ice globes.

    When satisfied your skin is cool, your therapist will apply a neutraliser which stops the active ingredient from working.

    She will leave this on for around 5-7 minutes and remove it with warm mitts. Then your therapist will apply a serum to boost results and some sunscreen to protect your skin following treatment.

    We will book your next appointment for 2-3 weeks later and you’ll be asked to use a serum between sessions.

  • DO

    Apply your serum – The “stop it” serum is recommended and should be applied daily

    Protect your skin – wear sunscreen at all times

    Shave – if you need to remove hair after the initial 72 hours, avoid all other forms of hair removal except shaving or trimming.

    Moisturise – Keep the skin well moisturised and avoid picking any dryness.


    Use perfumed or alcohol-based products – this can burn and irritate the open pores.

    Rub or scratch – avoid picking dry areas

    Sunbathe or swim – for 72 hours after treatment to avoid pigmentation or irritation from chlorine.

    Sweat – at least excessively. Enjoy your time off from the gym!

  • Yes, Alkaline Wash can be used alongside treatments like electrolysis or laser hair removal, especially if there is also coarse dark hair present